100% brand new and with box like retail counter selling. Absolutely authentic by Davidoff Fragrances.
Zino Davidoff was created in 1988 as a classical male perfume, uncompromisingly masculine. Its elegant floral heart is surrounded by masculine components. It starts of stingingly fresh with lavender, palisander, clary sage and bergamot at the top. The heart is composed as an elegant floral bouquet of geranium, rose, lily-of-the-valley and jasmine. Warm and manly components lock the composition down: patchouli, cedar wood and sandalwood, along with a tender touch of vanilla. The fragrance is named after the founder of the brand.
Review :
#Another 80's masterpeice !! & sits in my all time top 20 , in my opinion the vintage rates a 9.5/10
#A true masterpiece and no doubt simply the best scent by davidoff!!!! sexy and truly unique!
#Very long lasting & beautiful scent, like a burning insence. I really love this perfume...
Retail Price : RM380++
Our Offer Price : RM185.00
+ Poslaju Shipping & Handling add RM7 WM, RM10 EM
Will be available under pre-order, kindly whatsapp +60166124856 for further info.